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Avner Levin Dr. Avner Levin is a Professor at Ryerson University’s Law & Business Department. He served as the Interim Dean of the Ted Rogers School of Management during the first six months of 2017. He is the Founding Director of Ryerson University’s Law Research Centre and of the Privacy and Cyber Crime Institute. During the 2012-2013 academic year, Professor Levin served as Ryerson University’s Interim Vice-Provost of Faculty Affairs and as Interim Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources. He is an alumnus of Tel-Aviv University, holding a B.Sc. and LL.B. degree, and of the University of Toronto, holding an LL.M. and S.J.D. Professor Levin’s research interests include the legal profession, law and technology, privacy and cybercrime. He has been a recipient of funding from bodies such as SSHRC, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Public Safety Canada, Industry Canada and the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center at Tel-Aviv University. Professor Levin has published his work in journals such as the International Journal of the Legal Profession, the American Business Law Journal, the Canadian Journal of Law and Society, the Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, the International Journal of Information Security and the Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law. He is the co-author, with Mr. Howard Simkevitz of the “The Law of Employee Use of Technology.” |
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Benson Honig Benson Honig is the Teresa Cascioli Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University,Canada. His research includes over 60 books and articles on business planning, nascent entrepreneurship, transnational entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, social capital, and scholarly ethics. Past chair of the Academy of Management’s Ethics Education Committee and a former editor of ET&P, he serves on eight editorial boards and is a blogger for the AOM ethicist. |
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Catherin Caufield Catherine Caufield, PhD (Toronto) is interested in polysemic expression of religious experience, and ways in which diverse discourses co-exist within and between religions and public narratives. She is author of Hermeneutical Approaches to Religious Discourse in Mexican Narrative (Peter Lang), Shmiot Fugue: Neomysticism in the Voices of Three Jewish-Mexican Women Writers (Hadassa). She is currently working on the SSHRC-supported project Our Canada: Jewish-Canadian Women Writers.
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Clark Banack Dr. Clark Banack is an Adjunct Professor of Political Studies and a Senior Research Associate with the Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life at the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta. He holds a PhD from the University of British Columbia, is the author of “God's Province: Evangelical Christianity, Political Thought, and Conservatism in Alberta” (McGill-Queen’s) in addition to a number of other academic journal articles and book chapters addressing religion and politics, populism, gender and politics, and rural-urban issues in Canada. He is in the final stages of a new book on the issue of Religious Education in Canada with Dr. Jim Farney and is a co-investigator on a larger SSHRC-funded project investigating the emergence of School Choice and its impact on Equality of Access in Canada and globally. |
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Dafna Kariv Professor Dafna Kariv is the Vice President for Global Initiatives and Development at the College of Management (COLLMAN), Rishon Lezion, Israel, and the Chair the Department of Entrepreneurship and of NOVUS, Center of Entrepreneurship at the School of Business, Administration. She is the academic manager of the dual degree in collaboration with Zicklin School, Baruch College, NY. Professor Kariv is Affiliate Professor at HEC, Montreal, Canada. She is the co-director of the Center for Social Investments and Businesses, supported by the Rothschild Caesarea Foundation and Dualis Social Investment Fund. Prof. Kariv is the author of five academic books, all around entrepreneurship, published with Routledge UK, Routledge, NY and Edward Elgar, UK. She has published numerous papers in entrepreneurship in academic journals, with research teams from Canada, Europe and US. Kariv’s research focuses on international entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial performance, entrepreneurial education and gender. She is a recipient of several prized funds including the European Commission funds; she is involved in many academic boards, the Ambassador of ‘German-Israeli-Startup-Exchange Program’ (GISEP); and a consultant of the Ministry of Education for entrepreneurship programs. |
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Dalia Velan Dr. Dalia Velan research is concern with the broad issues of Organization innovativeness, emphasis on international organizations. She is a lecturer and supervisor of new course on Innovation Management, in the department of management, at the Open University of Israel. Dalia holds a PhD in Management from Haifa University, with a thesis title: "Conceptualization, Antecedents, and Consequences of Market< Innovativeness, Learning, and Entrepreneurial (MILE) Orientation for Export Businesses". Dr. Velan holds M.Sc. in Industrial engineering from Ben-Gurion University and a B.Sc. in Industrial and management engineering from Ben-Gurion University. |
Dan Breznitz Dan Breznitz is a professor and Munk Chair of Innovation Studies and the co-director of the Innovation Policy Lab in the Munk School at the University of Toronto. Dan is known worldwide as an expert on rapid-innovation-based industries and their globalization, as well as for his pioneering research on the distributional impact of innovation policies. He has been an adviser on science, technology and innovation policies to multinational corporations, governments and international organizations, in addition to serving on several boards.His scholarly work has won several awards, among them the Don K. Price Award for the best book on science and technology, and the Susan Strange Book Prize for the best book in the field of international studies. His policy work has also been recognized by multiple awards and, in 2008, he was selected as a Sloan Foundation Industry Studies Fellow. Previously, Dan founded and served as CEO of a small software company. |
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David Wolfe Dr. David A. Wolfe is Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto Mississauga and Co-Director of the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. From 2009 to 2014 he was the Royal Bank Chair in Public and Economic Policy at the University of Toronto. He has been the Principal Investigator on two Major Collaborative Research Initiatives funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. He is currently leading a five-year SSHRC-funded Partnership Grant on Creating Digital Opportunity for Canada. Prof. Wolfe is the editor or co-editor of ten books and numerous scholarly articles. Most recently, he was a member of the Council of Canadian Academies Expert Panel on the Current State of R&D in Canada. |
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Denis Jeffrey Denis Jeffrey is a professor at Laval University’s Faculty of Education. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Paris, Sorbonne, and the University of Quebec in Montreal in the sociology of religions. He also holds university degrees in philosophy, anthropology and ethics. He is a regular researcher at the University Research Center on Training and the Teaching Profession and the director of the international journal Training and Profession. He has been a visiting professor at several universities, including the University of Strasbourg, Pau and Antananarivo. He researches in the field of the socio-anthropology of adolescence, and the challenges of teaching about ethics and the teaching of the Ethics and Religious Culture program. He recently published Rites et Ritualisations (2018), Rites et Identités (2018), Éthique et insubordination en éducation (2016), Pour une éducation à la paix dans un monde violent (2017), La fabrication des rites (2016), Penser adolescence (2016), Jeunes et djihadisme (2016), Laïcité et signes religieux à l’école (2015), L’éthique dans l’évaluation scolaire (2014), Code corps et rituels dans la culture jeune (2013). He has published more than 300 articles in more than forty different scholarly journals. He has also given hundreds of lectures in several countries of the world. |
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Dina Tsybulsky Dr. Dina Tsybulsky is a science educator and an educational researcher with more than 20 years of science education experience in secondary and post-secondary educational institutions. She graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel in 2014. In her doctoral research, she studied how to design effective science outreach programs to affect secondary students’ views about and attitudes towards science. From 2015 to 2017, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Education of Tel Aviv University. Currently, Dr. Dina Tsybulsky is an Assistant Professor and head of the Biology Education track in the Department of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. Dr. Tsybulsky’s research interests include: inquiry-based biology learning, nature of science, scientific inquiry, pre-service and in-service science teachers' worldviews, beliefs and attitudes. She has published extensively in Israeli and international peer-reviewed research journals. In addition, she edited and contributed to scientific books, conference proceedings, seminars, and workshops. Dr. Tsybulsky won a number of international and Israeli research grants. Currently, she is a PI of the research grant of the Israeli Science Foundation. She serves at the NARST Association as a member of the Program Committee and as a co-chair of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science research strand. |
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Dotan Rousso Dr. Dotan Rousso holds a Ph.D. in Law, M.A and B.A in Philosophy from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and LL.B (law) from Bar-Ilan University. During the years 2014-2015 Dr. Rousso was a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto. He taught Criminal Law at Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University and "Sha'arei mishpat College" (2010-2013, and 2015-2017). Dr. Rousso worked as a state criminal prosecutor in Israel (2003-2017). Previously to his work as a prosecutor, Dr Rousso was a head of researches at the Israeli Parliament – The Knesset (2001-2003). He currently teach courses at the Red Deer College in Alberta, Canada (2017-2018) on the topics of "Globalization", "Cultural perspectives of Science", "Philosophy of Law", "Philosophy of Religion", "Ancient Philosophy" and "Advanced Ethics". |
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Eran Razin Eran Razin is Professor at the Department of Geography and The Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (the urban planning graduate program) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and holds the Leon Safdie Chair in Urban Studies. He specializes in comparative local government, urban planning and development and has published/coedited eight books and numerous journal articles in these fields. |
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Inbal Blau Inbal is a researcher and lecturer. She earned her LLB, LLM and PhD from the Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Her dissertation, written under the supervision of Professors Neta Ziv and David Schorr, examines the socio-legal aspects of compensation mechanisms of mass body damage events in Israel through a historical perspective. In 2018-19, Inbal is a Lady Davis Postdoctoral fellow at the Law Faculty at the Hebrew University, Israel and a lecturer at the Tel-Aviv University and Sapir College. Lately she has returned from a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Alberta, The Faculty of Medicine and dentistry, Canada (for which she won the Isef Foundation -International fellows grant for excellent researchers). During her PhD research Inbal worked as a lecturer, as a social coordinator for visiting researchers, and as an elected chairperson of the Junior Academic Staff Association of Tel-Aviv University. Inbal received an award sponsored by the Tel-Aviv University's Rector for Excellence in academic teaching. She also received the Tel-Aviv University’s award - Inspiring Women researchers-an exceptional PhD. Student, Tel-Aviv University. Inbal worked as a lawyer mainly in the field of civil law and had published a variety of articles and participated in various conferences and workshops. Her research interests are: Torts Law, Law and Society, and Legal History. |
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Jorge Frozzini Jorge Frozzini, (PhD. McGill University), is professor of communication studies at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) where he conceived and created the new bachelor’s degree in Intercultural and Media Communication (BCIM). Mr. Frozzini situates himself at the intersection of intercultural communication, political communication and the anthropology of work. He participates in several research groups and is the member responsible for the Laboratoire de recherche en relations interculturelles de l’Université de Montréal (LABRRI) representations research themes. Mr. Frozzini is the author and co-author of several academic works, including the book Immigrant and Migrant Workers Organizing in Canada and the United States: Casework and Campaigns in a Neoliberal Era (Lexington Books, 2017). Among his articles and book chapters, there is “Intercultural Cities and the Problem with Loaded Words” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) and “Pour une compréhension de l’hétérogénéité des visions du monde lors de l’implication dans la défense et l’aide aux (im)migrants ” (Anthropologie et Sociétés, 2017). His new projects focus on municipal policies and services to (im)migrants in remote and peripheral areas; the interactions within militant groups in Canada; and the representation of (im)migrants at work, in state institutions and in the media. |
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Joseph Josy Lévy Joseph Josy Lévy is an anthropologist and currently associate professor at the faculty of social sciences of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). He is a member of the Laboratoire de recherches en relations interculturelles de l’Université de Montréal (LABRRI) and of the Québec Population Health Research Network. He is also codirector of Frontières, a review on death and dying. He has published numerous books and papers on the integration of immigrants and interculturality; cultural dmensions of death; gender sexuality and LGBT issues; prevention programs in the field of HIV/AIDS; pharmaceutical drugs; Internet, medias and health; research ethics. He has codirected several books such as La chaine des médicaments, perspectives pluiridisciplinaires (2007); Identités sépharades et modernité (2007); Médias, médicaments et espace public (2009) ; Internet, santé et minorités sexuelles (2011); Internet et santé, Acteurs, usages et appropriations (2012); La recherche communautaire VIH/sida, des savoirs engagés (2015). |
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Louis Jacques Filion Louis Jacques Filion, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at HEC Montreal. He is also an affiliated Professor with HEG Fribourg in Switzerland. He has more than 100 publications including 25 books. His research is concerned mainly with the activity systems and imaginative mindset of entrepreneurs. He is a Fellow of the ICSB. louisjacques.filion@hec.ca |
Luis Felipe Cisneros Martinez Luis Martinez is the Director of the Institut d’entrepreneuriat Banque Nationale | HEC Montréal. Luis Cisneros is a professor of Family Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management at HEC Montreal. Luis is member of the International Business Families Centre McGill – HEC Montreal and he is also member of Rogers—J.-A.-Bombardier Chair of Entrepreneurship. He also teaches in the MBA program at the Monterrey Tech (Universidad Virtual ITESM, Mexico). In addition, he was the director of the Entrepreneurship program at the ITESM campus Querétaro and the Director of MBA program at the campus San Luis Potosí. His interests of research are related to the management of SMEs, entrepreneurship, family business management and the contradictions inherent in management. He is co-editing three books and he has written several chapters, articles and study cases about entrepreneurship and small family business management. Dr. Cisneros holds a Masters in Management (University of Aguascalientes, Mexico), an MSc in Management Control (University Paris-Dauphine, France) and a PhD in Management (Group HEC Paris, France). The thesis is entitled: The founder versus the successor: a comparison of the managerial distance in Family SMEs in Mexico. Dr. Cisneros is member of Family Firm Institute (FFI) and he is also member of Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) Board. Luis Cisneros coordinates several continuing education programmes and courses on family business management at HEC Montréal. He also advises several Canadian business families. Additionally, professor Cisneros has previous professional experience from a Mexican family business and created and managed three small businesses |
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Marina Milner-Bolotin Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin is an Associate Professor in science education in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. She holds a M.Sc. in theoretical physics from the Kharkov National University in Ukraine. She also holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics and science education from the University of Texas at Austin in 2001. At UT Austin, she investigated how project-based instruction in physics courses for future elementary teachers affected their interest in science and their ability to do and teach science. She specializes in science and mathematics education and science outreach. She studies how technology can be used in teacher education to prepare mathematics and science teachers who will be able to engage 21st century students in meaningful learning. Her work has appeared in international peer-reviewed research journals, scientific books, conference proceedings, seminars, and workshops. Since 1993, she has been teaching science and mathematics in Israel, USA, China, and Canada to elementary students to university undergraduates in science programs, and to preservice and in-service teachers. She has led many professional development activities for science in-service and pre-service teachers and university faculty. She is an author of an introductory physics textbook used by thousands of students. Before joining UBC, she was faculty member at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario. She has received numerous research and teaching awards and served on the Executive Board of Canadian and International science education associations. |
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Maude Arsenault Maude is a graduate student in management and in international studies, Maude Arsenault is now co-coordinator of the Laboratoire de recherches en relations interculturelles de l’Université de Montréal (LABRRI), an institution dedicated to the study of intercultural relations from a multidisciplinary point of view. Her master’s thesis focused on the regionalization of immigration in remote areas of Quebec where, she showed, several intervention strategies are possible in intercultural education depending, among other things, on the context, the organization involved and the abilities of the speaker. In her work, she has analysed various intercultural skills and is involved currently in an important project on therapeutic alliances in multiethnic environments. Her doctoral research focuses on the social representations of polemical concepts about living together in an intercultural society. |
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Maya Hauptman Maya Hauptman is an affiliate researcher at the University of Haifa, Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature. She is the author of a book from her doctoral dissertation, Tahar Ben Jelloun: The Influence of Political Power and Traditionalist Society on the Individual. Francophone literature, especially Haitian-Canadian literature, is at the center of her research with a focus on the status of women, racism, anti-Semitism, immigration, loneliness, oppression and the hidden political powers. The year 2018 allowed, in collaboration with other researchers, to pay tribute to the writer Gerard Etienne marking the ten years of his death by the organization of literary activities that began on January 5 in New York. Within the MLA. She has published numerous articles on Gerard Etienne. |
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Nirit Putievsky Pilosof Nirit Putievsky Pilosof is an architect and a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, under the direction of Prof. Yehuda E. Kalay. Her research explores the connection between healthcare, architecture, and technology. Nirit is the executive member of Israel at the International Union of Architects (UIA) Public Health Group. She holds a Post-Professional Masters of Architecture from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, under the direction of Prof. Annmarie Adams. Nirit practiced architecture as a design project manager at leading architecture firms in Israel and Canada, specializing in healthcare design, as well as teaching architectural studio design. Nirit has gained international awards including the prestige's AIA Academy of Architects for Health award, the American Hospital Association (AHA) graduate fellowship, the McGill University major fellowship, and the Azrieli Foundation fellowship. |
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Noga Keidar Noga Keidar is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto. Her main areas of interest are urban sociology, the sociology of knowledge and political sociology. In her current research she theorizes the forms in which ideas shape cities, and particularly the interaction between cities and their so-called 'gurus'- the super-star scientists who preach urban regeneration models that have become extremely popular. She takes part in the "Urban Genome Project" at the School of Cities in the University of Toronto and is the Deputy Director of the Urban Clinic at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. |
Peter Loewen Peter Loewen is the former Director of the now-merged School of Public Policy and Governance and is Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He works on questions of elite and citizen behaviour and the role of technology in improving governance and representation. He has published in leading journals including the Proceedings of the National Academic of Sciences, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Transactions of the Royal Society B, and Political Communication. His research has been funded by SSHRC, the European Research Council, the Government of Ontario, and other organizations. He regularly engages in public debate, and acts as a consultant to several public and private organizations. Previously, he served as the Director of the Centre for the Study of the United States at the Munk School of Global Affairs. He received his PhD from the Université de Montréal and his BA from Mount Allison University.
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Pierre Anctil Member of the Royal Society of Canada since 2012 and a full professor at the department of history of the University of Ottawa, where he teaches contemporary Canadian history and Canadian Jewish history. He was the director of the Institute of Canadian Studies at the University of Ottawa from July 2004 until July 2008. He has written at length on the history of the Jewish community of Montréal and on the current debates on cultural pluralism in Montréal. Among his recent contributions are translations from Yiddish to French of memoirs written by Jewish immigrants to Montréal in the first half of the twentieth century. He is the author of a literary biography, that of Montréal Yiddish poet Jacob-Isaac Segal, entitled Jacob-Isaac Segal (1896-1954), un poète yiddish de Montréal et son milieu (Presses de l’Université Laval, 2012). This biography has appeared in 2017 at the University of Ottawa Press in an English language version under the title: Jacob Isaac Segal; a Montreal Yiddish Poet and His Milieu. Pierre Anctil has also published recently Les Juifs de Québec, 400 ans d’histoire (Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2015) and Histoire des Juifs du Québec (les Éditions du Boréal, 2017). He is a member of the Canadian Halbert Center Advisory Committee. |
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Raanan Sulitzeanu Kenan Raanan Sulitzeanu Kenan is a Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the Hebrew University, and the head of the Federmann School of Public Policy. He is the director of the cognition and policy research group and a research fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute. He holds a PHD from the Political Science Department of Oxford University. His fields of interest are political psychology, behavioral public administration and empirical legal studies. His research has involved the politics of investigative committees, the effect of reputation on government agencies, the judicial proportionality of experts, and the effect of corruption in the public sector and the resulting judicial intervention on voter behavior |
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Ramzi Halabi Dr. Ramzi Halabi works a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, where he earned his PhD, as well as as a strategic consultant, and serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of Tsofen-High Technology Centers, a non-for-profit organisation building hi-tech in the Arab society in Israel, as a lever for economic development and building shared society for Arab and Jewish citizens. He is former Head of the Regional Council of Daliat-al-Carmel, and counsels the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel. He is also former Director of the Arab Business Club. Prior to his career in public service he was a Lieutenant Colonel in the IDF. |
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Ruth Amir Dr. Ruth Amir is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at Yezreel Valley College. Her research and publications focus on transitional justice, genocidal forcible child transfers, and forced migration. Here forthcoming volume Twentieth Century Forcible Child Transfers: Probing the Boundaries of the Genocide Convention is forthcoming on January 15, 2019. Among her recent books are the titles: Who is Afraid of Historical Redress: The Israeli Victim-Perpetrator Dichotomy; The politics of Victimhood: Historical Redress in Israel? (in Hebrew); co-edited volume, Critical Insights: Anne Frank, the Diary of a Young Girl. Her two recent articles (2018) are “Canada and the Genocide Question: It did Happen Here,” and “Law Meets Literature: Raphael Lemkin and Genocide Studies.” |
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Shiri Breznitz Associate Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs Shiri M. Breznitz, an economic geographer, specializes in innovation, technology commercialization, and regional economic development. Her research is at the critical intersection of theory and policy to fit the new realities of globalization. Dr. Breznitz’s work has informed policymaking at the local, national, and international levels. She has advised on the role of universities in the larger story of innovation, on the economic impact of biotechnology, and on the role of clusters in driving innovation. In addition, Dr. Breznitz is one of the section editors for Economic Geography at the Geography Compass Journal. Current projects include the role of STEM and non-STEM education and migration on entrepreneurship, the geography of crowdfunding, and ecosystems of innovation. Breznitz’s book, “The Fountain of Knowledge” with Stanford University Press (July 2014), analyzes universities’ relationships with government and industry, focusing on the biotechnology industry as a case study. She has also, co-edited the book “University Technology Transfer: The Globalization of Academic Innovation,” with Routledge Press (September 2015). In 2018, Dr. Breznitz co-led the University of Toronto’s first Alumni Impact surveys.
Simone Grossman Dr. Simone Grossman was three times awarded research grants from the Canadian Government, in 1999, 2000 and 2004. Three stays in Montreal and Quebec City provided her with the opportunity to delve deeper into current Quebec literature and the works of immigrant writers such as Serge Kokis and Gérard Etienne, as well as the fantasy genre. Her interest in the works of Quebec writers of the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries is highly focused on the issue of Quebec identity, which finds expression both among immigrant authors and in fantasy fiction. In April 2013, She was invited as Adjunct Professor at York University at Toronto (Canada) to give a lecture about "Art et nature dans Betsi Larousse ou l’ineffable eccéité de la loutre de Louis Hamelin : une lecture écocritique", organized by The Research Committee of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. At York University she met and interviewed the writer in residency Hédi Bouraoui. She worked on a project about the interrelation between illustrations and text in some of his books. During her stay in Montreal at the same period she organized a Conference on Gérard Étienne in 2013 at the Aleph Center, Center for Contemporary Jewish Studies (Dr Sonia Lipsyc, Coordinator), sponsored by Canadian Friends of Bar Ilan University, with the collaboration of the Centre International de Documentation et d’Information haïtienne, carribéenne et afro-canadienne, and participation of herself, Dr Henti Paratte ( University Acadia, New Scotland, Canada), Dr Simon Harel (University of Montreal, Canada). |
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Sivane Hirsch Sivane Hirsch is a Professor at the Department of Education at the University of Québec at Trois –Rivières (UQTR). She holds a Ph.D. in sociology and education and focuses her research and writings on the challenges of taking into account cultural and religious diversity in the educational system. Her recent studies analyze teachers’ approach to the treatment of acute political subjects in their classroom and challenges while dealing with plural experiences in history teachings, the impact of schools’ “intercultural climate” on immigrant students’ success and the documentation of the implementation of homeschooling support center within an orthodox community. Co-author of the book Judaïsme et Éducation: Enjeux et Défis Pédagogiques (2016) and of numerous articles and book chapters on these questions, she is teaching in teachers’ training program on the Quebec’s Ethics and religious culture program and in the postgraduate program on ethical and political issues in education. |
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Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin Dr. Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin is a senior lecturer at the Ruppin Academic Center in Netanya, Israel. She holds a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology from Tel Aviv University. In early 2011, she founded the Research Department in the Education Division of the Municipality of Ashdod. She served as its head from 2011-2015. In February 2015, she was chosen by the Public Affairs Department of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to participate in the International Visitor Leadership Program that focused on women’s contributions to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through research and development, education and teaching, leadership and public policy initiatives. Since 2015, she has been a member of the Professional Committee of the Ministry of Education of Israel. In addition, in 2017 she served as an Active Head of the Information and Research Division at the Israel National Road Safety Authority. Her main areas of research include migration and education, economic and social integration of immigrants. Dr. Chachashvili-Bolotin has numerous publications in peer-reviewed international journals, as well as produced professional and applied studies and reports. Her long-term goal is to strengthen connections between the academy and practice. She considers herself an applied sociology researcher-practitioner, whose research is affected by practice and practice is informed by research. |
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Tali Heiman Tali Heiman, Ph.D. is a professor of special education, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel |
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Talya Steiner Talya Steiner is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University and she holds an LLM from Harvard University and an LLB from the Hebrew University. She is a researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute, where she directs the "Proportionality in Public Policy" research program. Her research focuses on empirical evaluation of human rights and legal doctrines in practice, and the interrelations between the Courts and other institutions in securing rights. She has also published on the topic of equality of opportunity in employment |
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Uri Sternberg Dr. Uri Sternberg is a lecturer of management at the Lev Academic Center in Jerusalem, Israel and the Open University of Israel. His research focuses on innovative behavior, entrepreneurship and education management. He holds a PhD in Management from Haifa University, with a thesis title: "The Relationship between Trait Innovativeness and Innovative Behavior as Consumer and as Employee: the Case of Sales and Marketing People". Dr. Sternberg holds M.B.A. and a B.A. in psychology from the Open University of Israel, and a B.Ed. in pedagogy from Beit-Berl College. |
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Uri Yanay Prof. (Emeritus) Uri Yanay conducts research and teaches at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Social Work and Social Welfare. His research focuses on crime victim policy and services, with special interest in justice issues related to specific groups in the population. His recent study focuses on victim offender mediation projects in Israel. Uri studied Canada's Yukon Territorial Court initiatives that he visited twice (2005, 2008) and the Canadian Gladue ruling and courts. |
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Vivek Goel Professor Vivek Goel is Vice President, Research and Innovation at the University of Toronto and a Professor in the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Professor Goel is a distinguished scholar with an extensive background in teaching, research and university administration. He obtained his medical degree from McGill University and completed post-graduate medical training in Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr. Goel obtained an MSc in Community Health from U of T and an MS in Biostatistics from Harvard University School of Public Health. His research has focused on health services evaluation and the promotion of the use of research evidence in health decision-making. Professor Goel joined the University of Toronto in 1991 as Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics. He was chair of the Department of Health Administration in the Faculty of Medicine from 1999 until 2001, then served as Vice-Provost, Faculty and subsequently was the University’s Vice President and Provost from 2004 until 2008. He was a founding scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), where he continues as an Adjunct Senior Scientist. He served as founding President and CEO of Public Health Ontario from 2008 until 2014, where he was highly successful in building an academic public health services agency that provided scientific and technical advice to front-line practitioners. Prior to rejoining U of T he served as Chief Academic Strategist with Coursera, a global platform that connects universities and learners with online courses. He has extensive experience in governance and in his University role serves on the boards of MaRS Innovation, the Vector Institute, the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine, the Centre for Commercialization of Antibodies and Biologics, Compute Ontario, TRIUMF, and is co-chair of the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP). He is also the Vice-Chair of the Board of the Canadian Institute for Health Information. |
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Wayne Horowitz Wayne Horowitz is Professor of Assyriology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His main area of research is the cuneiform Ancient Near East, with specialization in Sumerian and Akkadian Literature and Science. In recent years, Professor Horowitz’ research has focused on Ancient Mesopotamian astronomy and astronomical texts. As part of this research, Professor Horowitz has been working on comparative research on Gwich’in astronomy with the Gwich’in Tribal Council, Department of Cultural Heritage, on a cooperative project to document the traditional Gwich’in sky. The Gwich’in are the northernmost First Nation in Canada, with a homeland to be found in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, north of the Arctic Circle. Professor Horowitz has enjoyed the support of the Halbert Center for Canadian Studies in this research, and reported on his findings in past conferences. |